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  • Piratas Na Ilha Grande | Sua Casa Na Ilha Grande I Casa De Temporada

    Thomas Cavendshi 1/5 < back The Pirates on the Big Island Pirates were present on Ilha Grande and had a historical role of international prominence, recording episodes of piracy, slave trade and smuggling of goods between the 16th century and XIX. With the discovery of gold and silver in Peru, at the end of the 16th century, the Plata basin became a place of embarkation for the Spaniards. Europe, the Prata basin, the islands off the southern coast of Brazil, were better options for water and timber supplies. The islands of Santa Catarina (Florianópolis), São Sebastião (Ilhabela) and Rio de Janeiro (Ilha Grande) were strategic points for these travelers. During this period Portugal lost the battles and the “Invincible Armada” ended, so the Lusitanian fleet from Spain dominated the territory._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ With the Portuguese defrauded, pirates from various places came to the coast to smuggle gold, silver, and wood, Spanish vessels suffered greatly from looting by pirates. Ilha Grande was a place much sought after by pirates, there is plenty of water to supply their vessels, in addition to that on the Island there are perfect hiding places, and the Portuguese hardly ever stopped there to disturb the pirates. Caxadaço was a beach used by pirates because it has a rocky slope where those who pass sailing cannot see the beach or the boats that are there. Vessels leaving Paraty that passed through there towards Europe were looted by pirates. The place was used by pirates for a long time even after the abolition of slavery, where they would take hidden slaves for illegal trafficking. Stories tell that the most frequent pirates in the region were the English, Dutch, French and Argentines. ​ english pirates ​ In mid-December 1591, Ilha Grande was attacked by the English Corsair Thomas Cavendish, who looted the local population and set fire to their homes,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ leaving in sequence for Ilhabela making another attack in Vila de Santos. Between 1585 and 1605, there were numerous attacks in the region, between Cabo Frio and Santa Catarina. The Pirates' Preferred Islands were Marambaia, Ilha dos Porcos, Ilha Grande, Ilhabela and Florianópolis, where the passage of Spanish ships was more common going to and from Silver with many riches. The attacks were so many that Felipe II of Spain maintained a coast guard in the region, naming Martim de Sá. The pirate Juan Lorenzo, a protege of King Felipe II, built a house on the beach that he named Praia do Morcego. The house is considered the third masonry construction in Brazil. Where legend says that he has his treasure buried on the island in front of the beach. The pirate Thomas Cavendish, spent the last years of his short life in Brazil, dying at the age of 31. The pirate was well known for his constant activities in the attacks, having participated in the attack on Virginia in the United States, and after these attacks he decided to venture into the South Atlantic, where he acted for the rest of his life. The English even attacked Vitória, in Espirito Santo, Ilha Grande, in Rio de Janeiro, Ilhabela, in São Paulo. In Santa Catarina, he burned mills and made many slaves in the region. ​ Dutch Pirates The Dutch were also present on Ilha Grande in the early 17th century. The Dutch left genetic inheritances on the island, which can be seen in the traits of some natives, who have Indian traits and blue eyes, but with the Dutch acting more in the north of the country, attacks in the Ilha Grande region have become rare. french pirates ​ After the Dutch stopped working on Ilha Grande, they came around the 18th century around 17 years between (1701 and 1718)._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The French had Ilha Grande as a great shelter, as they could intercept ships leaving Paraty, which was one of the main ports for the shipment of gold that came of Minas Gerais; Also for having a great abundance of wood and water, being able to resupply its boats. _cc74c-de-bb313 -136bad5cf58d_ Several were the records of French ships bringing cargo of goods of French origin, mainly on Ilha Grande, more precisely in the cove of Palmas, Abraão and Sítio Forte. After international policy treaties, even with the extinction of French piracy, the French continued to sail along the coast legally, transporting French colonies destined for the French islands in the extreme southern Latin America. In this way, they continued to dock in Ilha Grande, because to supply their vessels they did not pay fees as they should if they dock in Rio de Janeiro. ​ Argentine pirates ​ In 1827 three attacks by Argentine privateers took place on Ilha Grande, authorized by the local government. One against the Dois Rios farm, another at Ponta do Castelhano and another at Palmas cove In the last attack, the Argentines lost a ship that was shot down by the Brazilian force. ​ . Pirate from the Greek peiratés, literally “one who attacks”, from peiran, “to attack, to harass”. Corsario comes from the Italian corsáro, from the Latin cursorius, from cursus, “race, course”, from currere, “to run”. A privateer is a pirate who had a Charter of Corso, a government license to attack enemy vessels, and was a cheap way to expand a country's offensive fleet. The corsairs were allowed to attack enemy vessels from that country during the period of wars, they had authorization to loot them, paying up to 1/5 of the loot to the Crown, and they could take refuge in the colonies of the kingdom that granted the Charter._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ At the end of the war, mere pirates were back. Buccaneer is the pirate of the Caribbean. The root of the word buccaneer is in the French “boucanier” - the boucan is a grill used to make smoked meat by the Arawak Indians in the Caribbean. ​ Bibliography: < Colonization Lazareto >

  • Passeios na Ilha Grande | Sua Casa Na Ilha Grande

    ILHA GRANDE ESPERANDO _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ FOR YOU ALL YOUR TOURS ARE HERE More important than taking a trip, is having a successful and well-used trip. That's why we make a point of indicating the best tours and the best tips to make the most of your trip. transfer Describe your image Aeroportos Ilha Facilidade em Sua Travessia Aeroporto Santos Drumont Ponto de encontro na Aeroporto Nacional transfer Describe your image 1/8 Greater convenience for you who are in Rio de Janeiro and want to come to Ilha Grande. The Transfer Ilha Grande has regular schedules from Rio de Janeiro from various points of the city, direct to Ilha Grande, picking you up at the agreed point leading to Conceição de Jacarei and with a fast boat to the village of Abraão. Have more comfort and convenience without worrying about traffic or parking. schedule now BRL 140 p.p Ilha Grande Hiking As melhores Caminhadas com os Melhores Guias Praia do Aventureiro Lindas Imagens Todos os Dias. Por do Sol Trilha de Lopes Mendes. Ilha Grande Hiking As melhores Caminhadas com os Melhores Guias 1/7 For those of you who like to walk, Ilha Grande Hiking has several sensational itineraries, from day hikes to Pico do Papagaio to 7-day hikes around the island, passing by the main beaches. programmed. Live the experience of discovering paradisiacal beaches with those who know and know where to take you. Don't miss this opportunity. schedule now From: R$ 120p.p Praia de Lopes Mendes Intitulada uma das dez praias mais lindas do mundo Vista Aerea Lina Imagem Taxi Boat Passeios de Taxi Boat, um Jeito Rápido de chegar a Praia. Praia de Lopes Mendes Intitulada uma das dez praias mais lindas do mundo 1/11 Lopes Mendes, a must-see for anyone visiting Ilha Grande. The trip to Lopes Mendes can be by Schooner, which takes around 40 minutes by boat, or by Taxi Boat, which takes around 25 minutes. The crossing takes you to Lopes Mendes beach and from there a 20-minute walk to this magnificent beach. Those who like to walk can take the walk from Abraão, which takes around two hours, passing through the palm beach. schedule now BEST SELLER From: R$ 30p.p MEIA VOLTA Agua Cristalina Perfeita Para Mergulho. Lagoa Azul Meia Volta, um passeio que não pode faltar. Maguariquessaba. Parada Pra Almoço. MEIA VOLTA Agua Cristalina Perfeita Para Mergulho. 1/11 < Here you will discover Lagoa Azul, Lagoa Verde, Maguariquessaba, Saco do Céu, and Praia da Feicera. The tour leaves at 10:00 AM and returns at 17:00 PM, spending the entire day discovering wonderful beaches and diving in crystal clear waters. Secure your spot. schedule now From: R$ 110 pp Ilhas Paradisíacas Agua Cristalina Perfeita Para Mergulho. Ilha das Botinas A Ilha Gêmea de Angra dos Reis. Praia do Dentista Aguas Claras que nem se vê. Ilhas Paradisíacas Agua Cristalina Perfeita Para Mergulho. 1/10 Ilha Paradisíacos, is a sensational tour, passing through several islands of Angra dos Reis, such as Ilha das Reis Botinas, Piedade Island, Dentista Beach. The tour leaves at 10:00 AM and returns at 17:00 PM, perfect for those who want to spend the day diving and enjoying the beauties of Angra dos Reis . For those who like to see the famous. at the dentist's beach in season, it's the place where you will find your Idol. schedule now From: R$ 150 pp aventureiro_edited_edited O passeio Mais completo Caxadaço Feiticeira aventureiro_edited_edited O passeio Mais completo 1/10 Ilha Paradisíacos, is the most complete tour , passing through several of the most beautiful beaches of Ilha Grande, starting with Caxadaço Parnaioca, Aventureiro, Praia dos Meros, Maguariquessaba (for lunch) and finally Feiticeira. The tour leaves at 9:30 AM and returns at 17:00 PM, ideal for those who want to see the whole island in one day. However, Volta a Ilha depends on weather conditions and does not take place on rough or windy days. schedule now From: R$ 180 pp Meia Volta Ilha Grande hike

  • Lopes Mendes / Sua Casa Na Ilha Grande

    Describe your image 1/10 < Beaches Lopes Mendes Considered among the 10 most beautiful beaches in the world Lopes Mendes is the most visited beach on Ilha Grande. With 3 kilometers of beach with fine white sand, crystal clear water and a good spot for surfing. Access to Lopes Mendes, from Abraão, can be done by trail or by boat, by both options it is mandatory to go through Pouso beach, where there are two accesses to Lopes Mendes, the main one takes around 20 minutes and goes straight to the right corner of the beach, the other, little known way goes to the left side of the beach and takes around 40 to 50 minutes. On the right side of the beach, where the largest number of people are concentrated, also has some drinks and natural sandwich vendors. it is possible to rent surfboards. For surfing, the ideal swell is from the south or southwest, when sites like windguru ,surfforecast ,surfguru orwindy , particularly thesurfforecast has had greater assertiveness, and a good forecast for Lopes Mendes, is when it is around 1.1 m to 1.9 m with energy between 200 and 900 jaules, less swell and less power than it is considered to have no wave enough to surf, and bigger than that the waves don't have good formation. If you are new to surfing, and still don't understand the wave forecast, visit our surfing pageprediction to know more. Lopes mendes also offers great diving, but you must walk to the left corner of the beach, where the aguas are calmer with more clarity, and the coast offers snorkeling, something that doesn't happen in the right corner since the coast is practically in the breaking of the waves. In the left corner between the rocks that separates the beach into two parts, and at the very end of the beach, you can see several workshopsLiticas (where the sambaquis sharpened the tools) Definitely the beach of Lopes Mendes is the beach that can and should be visited more than once in the trip. Another very good tip for those going to Lopes Mendes, is to walk along the rocks on the right next to it, which is the little beach of Lopes Mendes, which only has sand at low tide and when the sea is not undertow. < Applause Saint Anthony >

  • Fotos da Ilha Grande I pra Temporada

    Big Island another day in paradise From the Vila do Abraao Heart, you are in the perfect place to explore and discover Ilha Grande. We have separated Incredible Photos for You to Know a Little More of this Paradise

  • Casa de Temporada na Ilha Grande | Sua Casa na Ilha Grande / Viagem a Ilha Grande

    1/2 ANGELA I'm Angela, owner of Casas Belas Hospedagem, Your house in Ilha Grande, I have 3 children, and in 1994 I decided to face the mission of raising my children in a quieter place than the madness of the big city, which is São Paulo. . As in any new life, the uncertainty and doubt of what to do was big, but one thing I was sure of, I wanted to get out of the big city and bring a lot of joy to people who go there for moments of rest and relaxation and I know how much that is important for the fighters of these places. With that in mind, I faced many difficulties and with great determination I built the heritage that we can share with you. OUR STORY We arrived in Ilha Grande, in Angra dos Reis, in a historic moment, the end of the Candido Mendes prison, tourism was a promising port, and with the savings made in São Paulo and the sale of my business (school transport) I managed to buy one land in this paradise, which was not super billed as it is today. But with all the savings spent on this bet, which could be done on a terrain full of unevenness, rocks and weeds, since it does not have machines, nor any type of earthworks. The solution then was to get our hands dirty, and with a lot of struggle and determination we built some restrooms, and we were gliding some parts of the land to put up tents in the so-called Camping da Angela, and we worked there for 8 years and so knew the pleasure of serving people in their moments of rest and pleasure. After that time, it was time to build something, and so we built 3 houses that for another 6 years people lived on fixed monthly rents. Despite the taste and desire to serve tourists, we decided to set up a hostel, called Welcome Surf Hostel, which was visited by countless people for another 5 years. With the pandemic, we had to make a quick decision about the Hostel's future, and so we set up these 3 houses, 3 bedrooms and a super equipped suite and started to serve a public closer to us and so we continue to provide joy and rest to people who need it. of rest. 1/18 OUR MISSION Our mission (if it can be called a mission), is to help our customers from the first contact, facilitating their entire trip, from the best way to get there or the best transport to pick up or intermediating transfers, facilitating their visit to paradise. We give you the best tips for tours, hikes and the best things to do on the island. But above all we will give you all the support during your stay, and we prepare everything in perfect condition so that you have a stay with all the comfort and safety, with the houses fully furnished, planned with all the utensils. Finally, our mission is to have an unforgettable experience and moments that will be brought to life. Feel free to ask any questions about Ilha Grande. We will always be willing and available to assist you in the best way possible. Be welcome.

  • Praia da Baleia I Casa de Temporada Na Ilha GrandeI

    Praia da Baleia Praia da Baleia 1/5 < Beaches Whale Beach The beach of Baleia, is very close to Lagoa Azul, facing the side of the Parish of Santana, the beach has its peculiarities, and a good view from both coastal area that faces the parish and the side of Lagoa Azul. The beach is very close to the furado, a strait where small boats can pass, a very nice place to snokel, but with great care due to the large flow of boats. On this coast, it is usually possible to see turtles. Normally, when the wind is southwest, Lagoa Azul is usually well stirred while Praia da Baleia has very clear and clean water, since when the wind is at the On the contrary, normally from the North or Northeast, the beach has a very rough sea and unfortunately it ends up with a lot of garbage from the mainland and the beach gets quite dirty. For those who want to dive, go to the parish side and at the very end there is a very nice slab to dive. To reach the beach on foot, access comes from Praia da Freguesia and takes around 15 minutes walking. 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ < Lagoa Blue Parish of Santana >

  • Turismo na Ilha Grande | Sua Casa Na Ilha Grande I Casa De Temporada

    logo images (5) logo logo 1/7 < back The Tourism With the fall of the prison in 1994, the tourism sector gained a lot of strength as the new sector of the economy of Ilha Grande, bringing mainly to Abraão, a large amount of investors and new residents. Despite bringing many socioeconomic benefits to the population, the concern with preserving the environment cannot be ruled out, with the large number of new constructions of inns, houses, restaurants, the de-characterization of old buildings, especially those on the edge of the village, and the water treatment capacity that businesses pour daily into the treatment system. With the arrival of cruise ships, the volume of vessels to meet the new demand has also become another concern of environmentalists. The infrastructure of the place has been serving tourists with a wide variety of services in all market niches and the most varied types of tours and restaurants, making their stay much easier of tourists who decide to visit Ilha Grande. Another facility that tourists have had in recent years is the crossing that, a short time ago, had only the official crossing only once a day from Mangaratiba and once a day through Angra dos Reis, and with tourism on the rise, Conceição de Jacareí became the fastest crossing option, and with several vessels during the day taking only 15 minutes the route. Angra dos Reis also started to have several crossing schedules, which greatly facilitated the resident's daily life, and the availability of schedules for tourism. In recent years Tourism has been the main economic activity of Ilha Grande, even for those who do not work directly with tourism. Another very interesting option for those who want to visit Ilha Grande and are coming from Rio de Janeiro is the transfer that makes the transport 3 times a day that includes the car and boat, making it very easy for visitors. See ourtours page and learn about the options, and you can also make your reservation directly on our website. < Dois Rios Sambaquis >

  • Enseada do Sitio Forte I Casa de Temporada Na Ilha GrandeI

    Enseada de Sitio Forte Ubatubinha Parcel Aripeba Enseada de Sitio Forte 1/22 < Beaches Cove of Sitio Fote The cove of Sitio Forte is much sought after by sailors, for its calm water and tranquility of the place. There it is also well used by divers, as there is a shipwreck 13 meters deep. The cove has 3 beaches and all of them are very popular with sailors. sardine factory, now has only a few private properties, and a few inns on the coast. The place is very quiet and is also off the beaten path of conventional tours. Tapera beach, is the second beach of the cove, from those who come from the long one, the beach has some houses of residents, and is outside the routes of boat ride, the beach has very few residents, and has a restaurant and an inn. The third beach coming from Longa is Sitio Forte beach, a small beach that was famous for a long time e that came to eat food when the boats arrived, the place was sure to see the turtles when visiting the place. A few years ago the turtles died and no one knows the reason for their death until today. After Sitio Forte beach, comes to Maguariquessaba beach, the beach that normally walks Half Round and Round the Island usually stop for lunch, on the beach it is also common to see the presence of a turtle that has lived there for a long time and with an unusual size because the restaurants always give out food left over from the restaurant at the end of the day. The fifth beach of those who come from the long, is Passaterra beach, a very quiet place with a lot of inns, the inns there usually have a boat crossing that takes tourists to the beach. The place is ideal for relaxing, as there aren't many things to do around it if you don't take a boat ride. Nearby there are some marine farms where shellfish and mussels are raised and can also be visited by tourists. After Passaterra beach, there is the Aripeba parcel, which has a little beach that is quite hidden, some taxi boats usually stop there for diving, since the water is always very clear. On the other side of the Aripeba parcel, there is Aripeba beach, which is a stop on the half-way tour this beach is already inside the Bananal cove, but it is connected to the beach of the parcel of Aripeba. The place also has calm and cool waters for swimming, but it is not always so clear for diving. < Praia da Longa Bananal Cove >

  • Fabrica de Sardinha na Ilha Grande | Sua Casa Na Ilha Grande I Casa De Temporada

    Antiga Fabrica no Abraão Antiga Fabrica no Abraão 1/2 < back Sardine Factory Ushizuke Nakamashi landed in the Port of Santos in 1915, where he worked for some time as a longshoreman. As a custom of the time, the wives of Japanese immigrants came from their homeland and only knew each other through photography. Dona Shingue comes from Japan to marry Ushizuke Nakamashi. Around 1930, Ushizuke Nakamashi visited Ilha Grande Bay, noticed a large quantity of sardines and decided to explore the fish at Bananal Beach. When he arrived at Bananal, this small community had family farming as its main economic activity. Fishing was occasional, in canoes or on the coast. Ushizuke then became known as João Nakamashi and his wife, Maria Nakamashi (it was common among immigrants to adopt Brazilian names to facilitate communication). João starts his business, industrializing sardines to sell to the Japanese colony in São Paulo. The fish was smoked to be consumed in soups. After some time, the sardines are salted and canned. The family grows, with their children Iwauo, Hiroshi, Sakae, Benedito, Maria Esmeralda and Getúlia. ​ The Sardine Factory is built, the children help with the work. The eldest son Iwauo Nakamashi, and his wife Fuzie Nakamashi, take the venture forward and build a new factory, larger and with modern machinery. The height of activity took place in the mid-60's and 70's when records point to around 20 buildings around the island operating in the activity. The largest and most important of them was located on Matariz beach, where its ruins can still be seen. ​ At the end of that decade, the family's finances went through a serious crisis and his brother Hiroshi Nakamashi left his son Paulo to take care of the family and came to the island to help brother. Two years later, he returns to São Paulo and Kiyoshi Nakamashi, better known as Preto, comes to help his parents. Preto still worked with sardines, but in the mid-1980s the activity was no longer sustainable, due to strict inspections, a decrease in the supply of fish, competition from other regions of the country and new Environmental Laws. In 1987, the Nakamashis, pioneers in sardine exploration, closed their doors. In the 1990s, Preto and his wife Noriko, who had 3 children: Roberta, Diego and Rafaela, began to receive visitors from São Paulo through friends and relatives on the premises of the old factory. The old Sardinha Factory then begins to transform itself into a Pousada. _cc781905-54cbb-bad-cf58d_581905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Old salting tanks turned into bedrooms, beds are made of bamboo. The Pousada do Preto appears, a great spot for young people who ventured into a destination still little explored. Even on those trips, many couples met, are now married and still frequent the place responsible for the beginning of their romance. The last factory to be closed was that of Matariz in 1992, when the activity at the site was completely stopped. ​ Text: Nakamashi family Bibliography: < Lazaretto Presidio >

  • Lagoa Azul I Casa de Temporada Na Ilha GrandeI

    Lagoa Azul Lagoa Azul 1/4 < Beaches blue Lagoon The Lagoa Azul can be said to be one of the main tourist points of Ilha Grande, receiving daily boats from Angra dos Reis, Mangaratiba and Ilha Grande, on its own That's usually very crowded. Because of its clear waters and the ease of seeing many fish diving, everyone wants to live the experience of being surrounded by fish, and diving with ease. The place is two islands close to each other, and between them the visibility is impressive, for people who like to dive a little deeper, you can dive around them, since one of them is very small, the other a little bigger, but also possible to turn around. The destination is included in several tour itineraries, such as the half-turn, Blue Lagoon Taxi Boat, Caiptur, among others. In the region it is usually the place where you find clear water more often, so if you want to know this paradise just for yourself, it is advisable to hire a Taxi Boat and leave very early or pick up near the end of the afternoon, when all the itineraries have not yet arrived or have already left. The place has no trails to get there, so it is only possible to discover it on a boat trip. _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-13d6bad_ < Grumixama Baleia >

  • Descobrimento Da Ilha Grande | Sua Casa Na Ilha Grande I Casa De Temporada

    1/3 < back Discovery of Ilha Grande The region of Angra dos Reis was discovered 5 days after Rio de Janeiro, by the same navigators, by an expedition commanded by Gonçalo Coelho. When they saw from afar the tip of the bell in Marambaia and the tip of Castelhano on the island, they had the same impression as when they arrived in Rio de Janeiro, thinking it was a river mouth, however they realized that it was an island , as soon as they arrived at what is now the center of Angra dos Reis, where you can see the other side of the ocean. Gonçalo arrived in the region on January 6, 1502, the day the Catholic church commemorates the day of Santo Reis Mago, because of the date, they named the place Angra dos Reis. The Big Island got its name because of its size, and the Indians who already lived there also called it that, but in Tupi it was called Ipaum Guaçu . The place was the scene of great battles between the Portuguese and the Tamoios Indians, for resisting the commands of the Portuguese who wanted to enslave them. The Tamoios were great warriors but they were not successful in battles and were exterminated by the Portuguese. These battles lasted from 1554 to 1567. The place was ideal for Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Dutch navigators, due to its calm waters, being able to dock their boats with tranquility. In 1559, Dom Vicente da Fonseca was sent by the King of Portugal to take possession and administer the site. < Os Indios Colonization >

  • Ilha Grande | Casa de Temporada Na Ilha Grande I Sua Casa na Ilha Grande

    EVERYTHING ABOUT THE GRAND ISLAND Are you traveling to Ilha Grande and want to know a little more about the place? You are on the right page, here you will find Historias da Ilha Grande from the Sambaquis to the present day. A little bit of each beach. Tours to be done, being able to hire directly with us. Movie tips to watch and books to read and a special gallery with several photos of this paradise that enchants so many people. Conheça a História da Ilha Grande Desde a Pré História Os Sambaquis Turismo Conheça a História da Ilha Grande 1/11 In addition to nature and the beauties of Ilha Grande, you still like to know the stories of the place where you are going to travel, the local customs, and how everything happened before being there to enjoy your long-awaited vacation . Then you are on the right page. From now on, travel through time and the charms that Ilha Grande has to offer. Access Here Passeios da Ilha Grande Aguas Cristalinas Trilhas Sensacionais Passeios da Ilha Grande 1/7 On Ilha Grande, there are several types of tours for different purposes, it can be diving, enjoying a beach, taking a walk, and one thing is for sure, whichever tour you choose, satisfaction will be sure. On our tour page, you will know all the tours available at the agencies and see photos of what awaits you. Get in touch with us and secure your reservation. It's simple and easy to do. Access Here caxadaço_edited IMG_20200725_122959_5_edited Trilhas Sensacionais caxadaço_edited 1/8 Discover the beaches of Ilha Grande before arriving on the island, so you won't get lost when you arrive, people often arrive with reservations on other beaches and end up arriving in Abraão, thus spending more time and more money. Then go through our beaches page and don't get lost where to go or where to get. And choose the best place to visit when you're here. Access Here

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