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blue Lagoon

    The Lagoa Azul can be said to be one of the main tourist points of Ilha Grande, receiving daily boats from Angra dos Reis, Mangaratiba and Ilha Grande, on its own That's usually very crowded. Because of its clear waters and the ease of seeing many fish diving, everyone wants to live the experience of being surrounded by fish, and diving with ease. The place is two islands close to each other, and between them the visibility is impressive, for people who like to dive a little deeper, you can dive around them, since one of them is very small, the other a little bigger, but also possible to turn around. The destination is included in several tour itineraries, such as the half-turn, Blue Lagoon Taxi Boat, Caiptur, among others.

    In the region it is usually the place where you find clear water more often, so if you want to know this paradise just for yourself, it is advisable to hire a Taxi Boat and leave very early or pick up near the end of the afternoon, when all the itineraries have not yet arrived or have already left.

   The place has no trails to get there, so it is only possible to discover it on a boat trip. 


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